Category Archives: Nature

A Winter Bullfinch

BullfinchChecking on an old badger sett, I came across a bird feeder which, judging by the number of birds using it continuously, was well-maintained. Watching from a distance, I could see, among the crowd of bluetits and great tits, a pair of bullfinches. The next time a day of sunshine interrupted the winter gloom, I staked out the feeder in my hide, and bagged a nice collection of natural pictures as birds waited their turn in the bushes beside the feeder.

Mature Cheshire Woodland

Dead trees standing, providing nest holes for birds, dead trees rotting on the ground providing food for a multitude of creatures. Stream at the bottom of the slope, which created this wooded valley in the sandy soil, running down to the River Weaver. Home to badgers, foxes, otters and the rest of the ecosystem.